Many torrent clients on Linux support a server mode aka a “web UI”. All of them have something to bring to the table, including Deluge. The main reason to go with the Deluge client or the Deluge WebUI over others is the fact that its one of the most versatile and feature-filled clients out there.

Without going on and on about Deluge, it’s worth pointing out that if you love advanced features this is the software for you. It supports everything from a terminal mode, to a server mode, and even custom connection types like Socks5 proxies and custom port settings. In this article, we’ll go over how to install and set up a Deluge torrent server on Linux, enable the Deluge WebUI, as well as Deluge Daemon and etc.

Note: ideally, install and use a Deluge torrent server on a Linux computer running as a server. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that a Deluge torrent server will not work on desktop Linux, but it is not recommended.

Install Deluge Console, DelugeD And Deluge WebUI

The first step in this process is to install the Deluge software. Open up a terminal and follow the commands that match the operating system you use.


Ubuntu and Ubuntu server has a pretty up-to-date version of the Deluge torrent client. That said, it’s always good to have the official PPA for security sake. Use this command to add the PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa

Now that the PPA is on the system, refresh Ubuntu’s software sources using the apt update command.

sudo apt update

Running update will undoubtedly reveal that some programs need updating. Install these updates and do not ignore them, as these could be patches that help Ubuntu run better.

sudo apt upgrade -y

Now that everything is up to date, install the latest version of the Deluge software.

sudo apt install deluged deluge-console deluge-webui


sudo apt-get install deluged deluge-console deluge-webui

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S deluge


sudo dnf install deluge deluge-common deluge-daemon deluge-web


sudo zypper install deluge

Configure Deluge WebUI

All the software required for Deluge is installed and ready to go. Now it’s time to turn on the Deluge Daemon. Go to terminal and run the deluged command. There are two ways to run this daemon: with the systemd init tool, or with the deluged command. To start it with systemd, use the systemctl command.

First, make the DelugeD service.

sudo -s

cd /etc

cd systemd

cd system

touch deluged.service

nano /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service

Paste the code below into the new file:

Description=Deluge Bittorrent Client Daemon
ExecStart=/usr/bin/deluged -d
# Time to wait before forcefully stopped.

sudo systemctl start deluged

Additionally, enable the Daemon at boot with:

sudo systemctl enable deluged

If you don’t want to fuss with Systemd, the Daemon can run without it. For best results, try using the /dev/null command to put the Deluge Daemon in the background as the current user.

nohup deluged &>/dev/null &

Disconnect it from your user (if you want) with:


It’s time to set up the user for Deluge Daemon. Use echo to push a new user to the configuration file. Change “user” to the name of the existing user on the system. Be sure that you enter the same password as your system user.

Note: 10 means your system user has full access to modify Deluge.

echo "user:password:10" >> ~/.config/deluge/auth

Now that the user is correctly configured, kill the daemon and start it back up. This can be done with systemd or killall.

sudo systemctl stop deluged

sudo systemctl start deluged


killall deluged
nohup deluged &>/dev/null &

Using the command-line, interact with Deluge and change the settings so that the Daemon will allow remote connections:

config -s allow_remote True

Now that the config change is done in Deluge Console, exit it with quit.


Lastly, enable the Deluge WebUI connection.

deluge-web --fork

Using Deluge WebUI

Your Deluge Torrent server is working perfectly and can be accessed from any location via the web browser. To use the new Web UI, open up a new browser tab and visit the following URL:


Not sure what your device’s IP address is? Try this command:

ip addr show | grep 192.168

Once you’ve gotten the Deluge Web UI page to load, you’ll need to provide a password, as the web interface is secured. The default password to log in is “deluge”.

Upon successful login, the system will prompt you to change the default password. Follow the prompts on screen to do it, then click “OK” when finished. The password should update automatically.

A Note On Legality

It’s no secret that torrent sites and torrent clients are used to share and download copyright protected content. We do not encourage this and the purpose of this post isn’t to show you how you can download such content. A torrent client, and torrent files themselves are a good way to share files and not necessarily a synonym for copyright infringement. If you choose to use a torrent client to download copyright protected content, you are likely breaking a law. Do so at your own risk.

Read How To Use Deluge WebUI On Linux by Derrik Diener on AddictiveTips - Tech tips to make you smarter

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