It’s October, which means a new release of Ubuntu is ready. This latest version, Ubuntu 17.10 of has some great new features, as well as some dramatic changes under the hood. For those looking to install this latest version, there is no need to go to a Best Buy and buy a copy in a store. Instead, download a copy of Ubuntu 17.10 by heading to the official website.
Be careful when browsing the website for 17.10 though, as multiple versions of Ubuntu are on the page. Scroll down the page, avoid the 16.04.3 LTS download link. Right below that, select the 17.10 download button.
After “download” is selected, Ubuntu developers ask for a tip. Give one if you want. Otherwise, go to the bottom of the page and select the “Not now, take me to the download” button. The Ubuntu 17.10 live disk image will start downloading instantly.
Make Live Disk
Before the operating system installation process begins, you’ll need to take the live disk image and make it into either a bootable USB disk, or a bootable DVD. If the plan is to burn Ubuntu 17.10 to a DVD, right-click on the disk image and open it with the burning tool on your operating system. Otherwise, grab a 2GB USB flash drive and plug it into the PC you’re making it on.
The Ubuntu 17.10 live disk image is an ISO file. This file is flashable on all major PC operating systems. Often times, operating systems have their own bootable ISO making tools (like Windows and Mac). If you’ve already got a tool in mind to use on these types of operating systems, do so. If not, the best course of action is to download the Etcher USB tool. It’s easy to use, and runs on Mac, Linux and Windows.
Download the program, and follow the 3 step process explained within the app to make a bootable Ubuntu 17.10 USB stick.
Install Ubuntu 17.10
At first boot, Ubuntu 17.10 shows the user a Welcome screen. This screen has two choices: “Try Ubuntu”, and “Install Ubuntu”. If you’re looking to give the latest version a test run before installing, click the try button. Otherwise, select the install button to move on to the next page.
What follows is the “Preparing to install Ubuntu” page. This page asks whether to install third party tools and updates during the process. Check both boxes, then move onto the Installation type portion of the process.
Inside the Installation Type section, it’s best to select the first option. This is because the Ubiquity installation tool can automatically detect other operating systems on the PC, and automatically set up a “dual boot“.
If you’re not willing to dual boot 17.10 with Windows, or Mac OS, select “Erase disk and install Ubuntu” instead.
Moving on to the next page of the installer brings up the keyboard layout options. Chances are, Ubuntu has automatically figured out your locale and layout. If not, select it in the list, then select “continue”.
On the “where are you” screen, use the world map, click on the country (or city) closest to where you live, then click the “continue” button to move on.
The last part of the installation process for Ubuntu 17.10 is the most important. This is where the default Ubuntu user is set up. Under “Who are you?”, take the time to fill out your name, the name of your PC, and your username. Fill out the password for this new user and be sure to use a secure password!
Note: to enable automatic login, click “login automatically”. For encryption, select “encrypt my home folder”.
With all the user info filled out, select “continue”. This is all the user info that Ubuntu needs. From here on out, just sit back and wait for everything to install. When the installation is complete, the “finished” message will appear.
Upgrading from 17.04
There are two different ways to upgrade from the current release of Ubuntu to 17.10. In this guide, we’ll cover both the terminal method, and the upgrade manager tool. Note: during the upgrade process, third party PPAs, and other software installed outside of regular Ubuntu software repositories will be disabled. You’ll need to go back in and re-enable these manually.
Terminal Upgrade
Upgrading from one version of Ubuntu to another via the terminal is not something beginner Ubuntu users should do. This option is more for enthusiasts, and advance users that know what they’re doing because the terminal upgrade process isn’t always without its hiccups. Beginner users may not know what to do. If this sounds daunting, skip to the other upgrade method.
To start a direct upgrade from 17.04 to 17.10, first open up a terminal window and gain root access with:sudo -s
With root, run the update command. This command will seek out the new release.
apt update
To start the upgrade process, do a dist-upgrade.
apt dist-upgrade
The upgrade process is long and may take a while. Just sit back, and let everything go through. Keep an eye on the terminal, as some questions may need to be answered during this process.
After dist-upgrade finishes, reboot.
Upgrade Manager
To use the upgrade manager, first press the windows key and search “Software & Updates”. Look through and click the “Updates” tab. In this upgrade tab, find the drop-down menu that says “Notify me of a new Ubuntu version”. Be sure that this is set to “any new version”. Close this program once the drop-down is set correctly.
Next, press the windows key and search “Software Updater”. The updater will automatically check for the latest software, including the new 17.10 release and present an “upgrade” button. Click it to start the upgrade process. This upgrade may take a while. Be sure to keep an eye on the upgrade, in case any questions or options come up.
When the upgrade is complete, reboot your PC.
Read How To Install Or Upgrade To Ubuntu 17.10 by Derrik Diener on AddictiveTips - Tech tips to make you smarter
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